Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Well, boy has it been an interesting week. Where to begin...well I never told you about the thing with Todd. My friend Alisa met him online and they met in person and I saw him once at the mall and when we went to play pool. Then one day I was on Alisa's computer and we just started chatting, and i gave him my screen name. We went through a long (well, it seemed long) argument over the whole ordeal, but she finally decided it would be okay if we dated. So for the past week we have spent maybe like 24 hours away from each other. Its been so great. We walked around downtown Annapolis, sang karaoke, went bowling, fishing, and had lots of time to talk. We've really gotten to know each other and things are looking good :) Well we are going to Ocean city this weekend, and Todd is going to try to teach me how to surf. Its going to be pretty chilly and rainy so we probably wont have too much beach time. it will be fun all the same. I might be fired from my job. on saturday I called out sick so I could hang out with everyone at Brittany's graduation party. Now they are saying if I don't have a doctor's note then don't come into work. I'm going to have to call them and talk about it tonight. I don't really care if they fire me, its not like its a big time job or something. And that will leave me more time to hang out with people this summer. And my neices are coming here in July and I want to hang out with them too. Well I can't think of anything else major going on right now, so my next entry will be about Ocean city most likely. Cya then!

Friday, May 16, 2003

I couldn't really think of anything to write about, but I figured since it's been a while I'd say something. Well classes are over on Monday, then I can adjust my work schedule if i want. The whole Ocean City thing is being a pain cuz now the hotel we're staying at says they don't allow boys there, so Andy will have noplace to go if we get caught with him. But I guess we'll take our chances. Mom and dad left for Florida and now Tara's friends are running amuk.sigh. Saw the Matrix Reloaded, it was awesome! nice special effects and a good sex scene ;) anyways, I don't want to give it away to those of you who havn't seen it. Well I can't think of anything else going on now, so i'll catch ya later.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Today was mothers day. I made a slideshow of pictures from when me and my sister were little, put a little music to it and BAM instant tearjerker ;) Mom loved it. Then I took her to TGI Fridays for dinner and we went to see Identity at the movies. It was fun, I'm mad my sister didn't come. She's too busy up her friends butts to worry about mom. This week wasn't too productive, just getting ready for finals and stuff at school. Brittany came over on Friday night and we called Sty on the phone. We talked for about an hour and a half, it was fun. We laughed a lot and sent pictures back and forth. That was about the only exciting thing that happened this week. I am have to find Thoroughbred book #5 in the series, i finished #4 last night. I know I had it before, but I can't find it. I'll have to try the library or something. Well, next Sunday me and Alisa are going to go to the Cancun Cantina to see Craig Morgan. Cool! Only 19 days until Ocean City! I can't wait, its going to be soo much fun! Well, thats all for now.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Yesterday I started feeling better around 6, my nose FINALLY stopped running, and my coughing wasnt so bad. I wanted to get out of the house so bad, so me and Alisa decided to try to go to Jillian's like we did last week, but when we got there they said we had to be 21 to get in after 9! we were so pissed, we drove around trying to think of something to do, we finally decided to go to the airport and watch the planes take off. It was cool, we talked about how funny it would be if someone shot a potato gun at one, lol. Then we drove to Wal-mart and bought some DVDs. I went home and watched mine (Romeo & Juliet) and then went to bed. I was feeling a lot better today, still coughing a little, but much better then before. So Alisa called at 9 and we rode our bikes for a half hour around the parkway. It was tough. We got back to my house and watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding while we cooled down. Then we decided to go Fishing! (see pictures page) We drove to The Little Patuxent River and walked down to the water. It was drizzling out and everything was muddy. We walked over to a bridge where the water was dammed up by some logs, and fished there. Alisa actually caught one! It was about 6 inches long, but hey, better than nothing. After that I went home and went to class, I came home early though cuz my head started to hurt really bad. Probably cuz i only got like 7 hours of sleep and im still sick. So thats all I've done so far today, now I'm just sitting around waiting for someone to talk to me... buh-bye :)

Saturday, May 03, 2003

I'm sick. I started getting congested the other day and sneezing. I thought I'd feel better today but its worse. Now I'm coughing and sneezing and my head hurts a lot. I've been taking meds all day and laying in bed, but nothing seems to be helping. I have to go to work in an hour, I dont know how I'm going to get through it. I can't call in sick because I called out last Friday. I hope this goes away soon. Atleast i dont have anything to do tomorrow so I can just rest and hopefully feel better by Monday. That's all for now.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Well, boy can I call em. I knew we'd get lost. Lets start from the beginning... Amber told me it was in Baltimore, so I looked for the street address and nothing else. I put the address in mapquest and then typed in Baltimore, MD. the street address said V Street, but mapquest came back with Vine Street, and no other options, so I was like "ok, I guess its the same thing, cuz mapquest would have said something" But nooo....We followed the directions perfectly, we ended up on Vine Street in Baltimore.. the address Mapquest sent us was some run down apartment building. We were like "this can't be right" and we stopped and asked an old man sitting on his porch if he knew where the 9:30 club was.. he said no. I remembered seeing that the parking lot was on 9th street on the directions on the website, so I asked him if he knew where 9th street was. He gave us a bunch of directions to get there, and we set off again. But we couldnt find the road he was talking about, so we decided to give in and call my parents for help. My mom went to the 9:30 club website, and she was like "Heather, it says here the club is in WASHINGTON D.C.!!!" omg.. i almost died. We had driven in the complete wrong direction. It was about 8:30 at this point, and we finally got out of Baltimore and on found our way fine to the club after that, we though everything was gonna be ok now. We got there around 9 and the guy standing at the parking lot entrance said they were full. we asked "do u know where else we could park?" and he said "no" so we drove around til we found a nice curb and parked. we walked to the club and picked up the tickets, then waited in line to get in. when we got to the doors the bouncer looked in my purse and saw my camera (that nobody told me we couldnt have) and they were like "we can hold on to it, or u can take it back to ur car, but i suggest u take it back" so i wasnt gonna leave my $400 camera in the hands of someone who didnt sound too sure about how safe it would be, so we walked ALL the way back to the car, and then back to the club. We FINALLY got inside about 9:30 and were in time to see the last couple songs of the opening band. Then Lifehouse came on. we were about 20 feet from them, standing in the crowd of people. A bunch of people around us kept lighting up cigarettes, omg i could hardly breathe and my throat was so sore. Amber kept checking out some guy and commenting on his eyes, hair,chin,lips etc.. Lifehouse was good, the singer is really hot, and I did really like their songs. The concert ended around 12 and we went back to the car in the rain. I Splashed through the puddles, it was fun! Then we started to leave, we had come in on a street called Florida Ave, it was right next to a Wendy's. so we took that somehow Amber got off that road though. I was like "no, we're supposed to be on that road, go back!" and she was like "lets just follow this road, it probably leads to the same place" ...nice try. we drove for like 5 miles lost, when finally Amber agreed to turn around and go back to the street we were supposed to be on. We got back to Florida Ave and went all the way to the end, but there was no Wendy's.. so we figured, this must not be the way we came in, we must have turned the wrong way out of the club, so we turned around and went to the end of Florida Ave the other way. NO WENDY'S. oh shit. we had no idea how to get back to rt 50. I wasnt going to call my parents AGAIN especially at 12:30 in the morning. We tried following the biggest roads we could find, but it got us nowhere. Finally I reluctantly called my mom, and it turns out we were on the right road that leads to 495. so we followed that for like 10 miles til we finally got to the beltway and got home at like 1:30. It was an interesting adventure, and now we know more about Baltimore and D.C. Now I can tell all my friends I got lost in Baltimore AND D.C. in the SAME 5 hour span. Woo hoo!

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