Friday, September 17, 2004

The summer is now slowly fading away, the last time I posted it hadn't even started. Where to begin? Lets give a brief explanation and then I'll go into some detail. I left my job at SBT, and packed up and hauled out here to Salisbury with my Toddster, Jason, Todd's bro Ryan, and Matt. We live in a nice 4 bedroom house with a good sized backyard equipt with a trampoline, hammock, horseshoe pit, shed, patio, and full patio set with umbrella and tiki torches! its awesome. I bought 2 ducks about a month into moving, I named them Sassy and Norbert, but now they are bigger and I think they are both girls. I got a job after 3 months of unemployment, I am working at Oceana Magazine in Ocean City on 126th bayside. Its a 40 minute drive from the bury, but I am the art director and am incharge of all the ads and graphics and get $400 a week (b4 bloody taxes) so its pretty sweet. Mom and dad moved to Florida last week, so I'm not sure when I'll see them, it's pretty weird. Hopefully sometime in December. Todd and I are doing pretty good, we get in fights sometimes, but nothing major. He started school and is working hard in his classes (i hope) He says he might not get a job for a while bcuz his Blazer sparatically burst into flames and turned fried crispy like a burnt marshmallow, and his parents neighbor gave him a free car, so he's saving a bundle from the insurance money. I havn't seen Britt and Amber in a while, i keep asking them to come see me, but they are always busy. I don't really have any new friends, cept for a couple girls Courtey, Lindsay, and Julia, but i only see them like once a month, they are kinda crazy sometimes, lol. Next weekened we are going to Ren Fest, and then to see musician xavier rudd, todd's new boyfriend. Well, I will try to keep everything updated, and with work slowing down for the fall, i might be writing more while at work. heh. thats all for now, later!

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