Thursday, February 17, 2005

--The following post taken from another blog on DECEMBER 9th, 2004--

Okay. So I don't really have anything significant to post about today. I am thouroughly dissapointed that none of my friends have posted anything in the past few days. I mean what else am I supposed to do with my free time? Really. More posts people! I wanna see every little detail on here. But anyway, Today my boss said I didn't have to come in tomorrow. Ah relaxation atlast. Atleast for a little while. I'm going to be getting $170 a week from the government (it's about time they gave me something) to buy food and gas and pay my bills. But I won't have money for much else. Unless I get a load of money for xmas from my family. Which I doubt. They always get me clothes or gift certificates of some sort. My roommates and Todd are downstairs drinking, but I'm not in the mood. They are no fun to party with, all they do is tease me. Dumb boys. Tomorrow I am going to send off some Christmas cards and do a few errands. then I'm just gonna bum out on the couch. Monday I will start looking for a job. Apparently there may be a party here Saturday. I'm glad I don't have to sit at work all day doing nothing anymore, but I am def. gonna miss the moolah. I think I am going to set up a donate to Heather fund on here. I'd have to get a PO box or something though incase of perverts or stalkers. I've seen things like on e-bay this one guy sold pennies for charity, they sold for like $100. crazy. I am a good cause! Donate! :) Okay, well I'm gonna go fiddle with my profile some more, as if it doesn't look tacky and girly enough yet, lol. Cya guys later.
--This blog entry taken from another blog on DECEMBER 6th, 2004--

Ok so I work at Oceana Magazine in OC. The thing is, in the winter, OC is a ghost town, besides the old ppl who live in their big expensive houses. So the magazine stops runnning next week through FEBRUARY! sheesh! So now I filed for temp. unemployment, but I don't know how much I'm going to be getting from that, so I think I'm going to have to find a part time job as well. I don't know what I should do... maybe the pet store is hiring or something. I wanna do something fun, cuz its not like I'll be there long. Anyone have any ideas? I like art and animals, and... i dunno, fun stuff. Todd is so stressed about his finals and stuff, I hope he passes everything. He studies like no other and harly has time for poor old me :( We had a kegger Sat. night, it was a blast. We played flip cup for like an hour and i totally kicked ass. They also tried to teach me some card game...i forget what its called, my attention span is non-existant when I'm drunk. I took a chaser pill b4 i started drinking, and I didn't feel anything the next day, except really bad cottonmouth, but I felt fine. I wonder if it was the pill.. or just the placebo... hrmm, Todd took them too and was feeling a little sick last night. But he didn't barf or anything. Me and Amber and Britt's sleepover went well, we watched all our old movies we made, it was hella funny. Mike in a bikini always cracks me up. and my famous line "NOOOO!" lol....So i am sitting here at work, they are only making me come in to get some extra money before the break, I don't really have any work to do, I've finished backing up all the files, so I guess I'll just chill the rest of the week. I dont think i'm gonna be able to afford xmas gifts this year, which sucks. I guess I'll just have to paint everyone something like the cheapskate I am. heh. Well now that I JUST started formatting my paragraphs, I'm gonna go! lol... cya!

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