Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Hey people. It's me again! Lets see, whats happened since my last post...that was exactly a month ago, go figure, it doesnt seem like it. I quit working at the dollar tree.. I just wasnt enjoying it anymore, I have too much stuff to do to be worrying about $20 more a week. So thats the end of that. Todd signed the lease for a house yesterday. I went to see it last weekend, we only drove by, but its in a nice quiet neighborhood and its a big house. Me, Todd, His brother Ryan, and 2 guys from Salisbury, Jason (his current roomie), and their friend Matt. wow, 4 guys. I'm a lucky gal, heh. So I think i will be paying them next weekend for the deposit. it will be $280 a month. I've already started packing things up. I can't beleive in 2 months I won't be living here anymore. It's really weird for me, this is the only home Ive ever known. But off to new adventures in life. School is fine, AACC is a bumcrap school though, the printers are always breaking, and the programs quit for no reason. what a moneypit. I got a letter saying how I completed all the neccesary classes for my certificate, pending the completion of this last class, yay! Work is good, I still like working there, the girls are all really nice to me and stuff. Todd is coming home this weekend, only for friday and saturday though. My car died. Todd says its the alternator, but I dont know. It just didnt start one night when i was over ambers house. My dad had to come and jump the battery to get it to start. This morning he charged it up some and i got to work and back, but it didnt start when I had to leave for class. So I guess I need a new battery or alternator. Poor car, its been through so much. Well thats about all I can think of now. Keep ya posted, Heather

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